Thursday, May 11, 2006

New bikes and a brush fire

So I bought the wife n kidz new bikes this weekend. Nate got his first "big boy" bike with hand brakes and a grip shifter, and Tess got her first 2 wheel bike.... with training wheels of course. :) Molly got a nice comfy but light and pretty nice cruiser.

We found a parking lot to ride around was such a beautiful day, and Tess needed some gentle space to practice in. When we first got there Molly said that she thought she smelled smoke, and sure enough, I did too. We assumed that someone was burning leaves somewhere nearby.

We rode around for about twenty minutes, going around and around, the kids getting used to their new bling rides, and Nate and I are off in another part of the parking lot when Molly shouts out "James! There's a fire!!"

Sure enough, some bushes spontaneously caught fire in one of the parking lot islands. We called 911, the fire dept arrived and put it out. Posted by Picasa

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